26-th Sri Chinmoy Marathon
Our very first 24-hour race in Macedonia!
About the event
Info in Macedonian: srichinmoyraces.mk
24-Hour Race
12-Hour Race
6-Hour Race
June 8th (Saturday), 8:00 AM –> 24-Hour Race
June 8th (Saturday), 8:00 PM –> 12-Hour Race
June 8th (Saturday), 8:00 AM –> 6-Hour Race
Location and course description
The start of the races is in Skopje City Park, near Luna Park.
The 1.739 km loop is located in the City Park amidst its beautiful nature.
The timing will be done electronically.
All finishers will be awarded a medal and a diploma, and the winners - first, second and third place - will be awarded a trophy, a medal and a diploma.
Award categories:
24 hours men
24 hours women
12 hours men
12 hours women
6 hours men
6 hours women
Results and photos of the event will be published immediately after the event, on the organizers website: www.srichinmoyraces.mk
Registration fees
24-Hour Race registration fee: 4300 MKD (70 EUR)
12-Hour Race registration fee: 3000 MKD (50 EUR)
6-Hour Race registration fee: 1900 MKD (30 EUR)
Registration ends: June 3rd, 2024 (Monday), 11:59 PM
You can register through https://srichinmoyraces.mk/registracija/
Race number pickup
Race numbers/bibs will be picked up 30-60 minutes before the start on the location of the start of the race.
24-Hour Race
- Starts 8AM Saturday
- Finishes 8AM Sunday
- 2150 MKD (35 EUR) through May 3
- 4300 MKD (70 EUR) May 4 - June 3
12-Hour Race
- Starts 8PM Saturday
- Finishes 8AM Sunday
- 1500 MKD (25 EUR) through May 3
- 3000 MKD (50 EUR) May 4 - June 3
6-Hour Race
- Starts 8AM Saturday
- Finishes 2PM Saturday
- 950 MKD (15 EUR) through May 3
- 1900 MKD (30 EUR) May 4 - June 3
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